CFI Talk Peace Project Call for Cameroonian Media Practitioners 2022

CFI Talk peace project

CFI Talk Peace Project Call for Cameroonian Media Practitioners 2022

Interested and eligible Media practitioners in Camaron are hereby invited to submit their application forms for the 2022 CFI Talk Peace Project. Interested persons should meet the basic requirements stated below to be considered for participation.

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About CFI Talk Peace Project

Talk Peace project Call for applications for the selection of 10 Cameroonian media to benefit from training programs and support in producing interactive programs.

The French media development agency, CFI, is looking for 10 Cameroonian media to strengthen their capacity to produce pluralist, reliable and inclusive information in the framework of the Talk Peace project: media and citizens for peace-keeping in Cameroon!

“Talk Peace” will be implemented in Cameroon for two years and will aim to train professionals of 10 Cameroonian media in the production of reliable and verified information, as well as in the production of interactive content promoting dialogue. It will also aim to teach young people living in crisis regions about media and information literacy and digital citizenship through workshops.

The project will be executed by CFI and two Cameroonian civil society organizations: the Association for Integrated Development and Interactive Solidarity (ADISI) and the Youth Council Foundation (FCJ).

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Content of the Project 

The program will run from September 2022 to May 2024.

It will be structured around three key activity components:

  • Component 1 – Training on information verification and journalism in sensitive contexts for 10 written press, online, or broadcasting (radio and television) media outlets.
  • Component 2 – Training and support to produce interactive programs for the broadcasting media selected as part of component 1.
  • Component 3 – Media and digital citizenship education workshops for young people from crisis regions, half of whom will be women.

Requirements for CFI Talk Peace Project

Among the 10 media that will be selected: 5 will be print or online media and 5 will be broadcasting media (radio or television)

  • All media outlets selected will all benefit from the activities under component 1.
  • The five broadcasting media will also benefit from the activities under component 2
  1. Cameroonian popular media outlets with correspondents in the crisis regions (Northwest, Southwest, and the Far North) or with editorial offices located in those regions:

 Radio, TV, online, and written press media outlets are eligible (providing they have an internet or social media presence).

Applicant must meet the following conditions:

  • Be based in Cameroon;
  • Have an independent editorial policy;
  • The editorial department must have at least eight permanent journalists;
  • The media must have been operating for at least two years;
  • The media must have a national audience (or an audience across several regions) or correspondents in the crisis regions (Southwest, Northwest, and the Far North) or be based in one of those regions.
  • The media have to nominate two available journalists to participate in the training program for component 1 (information verification and journalism in sensitive contexts). The media can nominate four journalists: two for the first training session (information verification) and two for the second (journalism in sensitive contexts). However, the pairs nominated must be the same throughout the project.

Applicant broadcasting media must also:

  • Have the equipment to produce and broadcast programs.
  • Commit to nominate two journalists and one technician to participate in the training program for component 2 (regional consultation meeting with civil society and local authorities, and creation/production of interactive programs)

Applications from media outlets putting forward female journalists (for components 1 and 2) will be considered with particular interest.

  1. . A media with an editorial manager (editor-in-chief, producer, programme director) involved in the training program:
  • The managers will participate in peer-to-peer seminars lasting two days and one 4-day workshop focusing on raising awareness of journalism in sensitive contexts and information verification.
  • The editorial managers will also participate in the closing forum.


  • Friday, 1st July 2022: Opening of the call for applications
  • Tuesday, 2 August 2022: deadline for receiving application (18:00 UT)
  • August 2022: selection of journalists
  • October-November 2022: start of the training cycle

How to Apply

Interested and eligible persons who meet the above requirements should submit their application form online via the CFI Talk Peace Project application portal here before the application closing date.

Application Deadline

The deadline to submit your application is 2 August 2022.

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